Public Speaking Services

Training and Facilitation

As a trained actor and improviser, I am an expert at commanding an audience. I am a passionate, compelling speaker who can make even the most mundane topics exciting for participants. I have a great deal of experience delivering trainings and presentations in a wide variety of settings. As a facilitator, I will keep your event moving and hit each beat right on time.

Training, Presentation, and Facilitation Services: $150 per hour


Event Host and Emcee

Over the years I have hosted and emceed dozens of events ranging from charity auctions to gala dinners to retirement celebrations. Whether it is meant to be raucous and fun or somber and reflective, I can deliver the mood you want. I specialize in drumming up additional bids during silent auctions. Event planning takes an enormous amount of time and effort. Having a dynamic, funny, professional host will ensure the event itself is a huge success.

Event Emcee and Host Services: $150 per hour